We're thrilled to share that Yeti Tool has launched an update to their Console, transforming the way both novice and experienced users operate their Yeti CNC routers.
About the Console Software Update V2.5.0
If you already own a Yeti SmartBench, then you have probably already been prompted to update the Console software. That's because software updates are free for owners, so you don't need to worry about ongoing costs to keep your machine updated.
For woodworkers, signmakers, and other makers, this software represents the latest and most advanced user experience that drives the world's easiest to use CNC router.
Z Head Configuration Update
For SmartBenches manufactured from June 2023, the Z Head configuration will be slightly different. The Z Head now rises at the end of the homing sequence, granting immediate access to the spindle motor clamping crossbolt and eliminating the need for a manual move
Patch Updates
Yeti Tool has also launched a number of software updates aimed at improving user experience and overall system functionality:
- Fixed display issues with the Z height widget in the Shape Cutter app
- Specific error message for files with over 10 million lines
- Improved self-closing functionality for YetiPilot popup at the end of a job
- Patched the 'failed health check' widget error
- Fixed issues for jobs containing LED commands causing GCode errors
- Added SmartManager patch to show total job time
- Increased visibility of empty checkbox icon
- Fixed the infinite 'Please Wait' popup when the USB stick lacks the update file
- Patched triggering of unnecessary health checks
Technical Updates
Yeti Tool has reworked a significant number of details, settings, and behaviours to further increase the usability of Console.
- Refactoring of set dollar setting functions
- Refactoring of set datum functions
- General info, error, and warning popups can be dismissed by clicking off them
- Updated build steps (for Windows) with new requirements.txt file for all dependencies
- GRBL settings bake will adjust settings based on firmware version and motor currents (or will throw an error if not possible)
- When retrieving latest releases, software does not assume a beta release exists in the last 10 releases to avoid unwanted exceptions
Added functionality to job data module
- Stores persistent information about cancelled jobs
- Ability to scrape GCode lists and get position and modes at any point in list
Set up of screens for job scrape testing
- GRBL line selection screen
- Nudge screen for minor X/Y adjustments
Integrated Production Tools
- Reduced warm-up time for ZHQC and LBQC from 30 minutes to 90 seconds
- Increased lower temperature threshold for calibration
- Added automatic reset when entering calibration ZHQC
- Added digital spindle test button to factory screen
- All spindle speed tests automatically detect and account for 110V (including those in ZHQC)
- Set up ZHQC bake GRBL settings functions and ZHQC Z head cycle functions to work with the shorter ZH cage
- Reduced initial wear-in time for overnight test to 2 hours (based on 1 year of data)
- General UX improvements in factory screen
In a nutshell, Yeti continues to refine the user interface and experience of their already terrific CNC machines. The latest upgrade represents a significant improvement, and it is included with all new machines and available for free to existing users. YetiPilot is a significant leap forward in the CNC industry, making CNC routing easier, faster, and smarter. It epitomizes Yeti Tool’s commitment to innovation and relentless improvement, ensuring users can achieve the best results in every project. We look forward to seeing this software continue to evolve!