Wanes Custom Woodworks Inc has been producing beautiful and exceptional woodwork for 38 years. We spoke with them to find out which of their awards which they were the most proud to receive.
What award stood out for you this year?
We are proud to be the first ever 4-time recipient of the Ed Russell Award for Overall Excellence on an architectural woodwork project valued at under $500,000.

We received this prestigious award in recognition of Wanes Custom Woodworks exceptional performance on the Pure Multi Family offices in North Vancouver. Whilst we are thrilled by the win, it is important to note that to be chosen for such an award, you need to have a great relationship with all of the stakeholders in the project. Right from the first telephone call, the Pure Multi Family project was a collaborative effort with Brian Humphries, Denise Stapleton, Denver Wynn, and the entire team at Humphries Construction.

Did you face any production challenges?
Because of the time frame, supply chain restrictions affected nearly every aspect of the project, but working as partners focused on the successful outcome of the work, we were always able to find and agree on constructive ways to move forward.

What was the biggest production win during this project?
Two of the most interesting aspects of our installation were the faux brickwork which is MDF based and very realistic, and the riveted aluminum sliding doors, which were finished to resemble a weathered and patched aircraft exterior. A senior member of the Pure Multi Family Team added his own steam-punk inspired touch with the black-iron pipework handles on the doors. It’s a very cool addition that fits right in with Denise’s vision for the project.

Is there anything suppliers such as ourselves could have done better to help you?
The entire team at Wanes is always up for a challenge, and our office, shop and site teams all brought their A-Game, knocking this one completely out of the park, and finishing the Pure Multi Family project on-time and on-budget.

Any closing Words?
Our sincere congratulations to all of the winners at the AWMAC BC Awards – we are already looking forward to another amazing event next year.
Thank you Wanes Custom Woodworks for taking the time to tell us about your beautiful work. You can check out all of Wanes Custom Woodworking at https://www.wanes.com/, Humphries Construction at https://humphriesconstruction.ca/ and AWMAC BC at https://awmac.com/chapters/british-columbia/
Social links:
Wanes Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanescustomwoodworks/
AWMAC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AWMAC.BC
Humphries Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HumphriesConstruction