Privacy & Security Statement

Privacy Policy

At Clermont’s Ultimate Tool Supply Inc, we understand the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers’ personal information. We are committed to complying with current privacy legislation and guidelines. We continue to respect and protect the personal information of our customers by:

  1. Limiting collection, use, disclosure, and retention.
  2. Establishing procedures to receive and respond to inquiries and complaints.
  3. Ensuring accuracy and accountability
  4. Safeguarding sensitive information using the best available security systems and practices.

If you have questions regarding the handling of your personal information, please contact us by any of the means listed below in “Contact Information”.


We require some basic information to process your order. Billing and shipping information is requested along with payment information. Credit card numbers and expiration dates are required for billing purposes, but are not saved on our Web site. Contact information, such as e-mail address and phone number, is used only to confirm your order or for contact purposes should we have trouble processing an order. We neither solicit by telephone nor release this information to other companies.


Once you have placed an order, we will send you an e-mail confirming receipt of your order. You will also receive a second e-mail once your order has been shipped from our warehouse. At no time will Clermont’s Ultimate Tool Supply Inc use your e-mail to solicit our customers.

We do encourage customers to e-mail us their questions or comments. We read and respond to all the e-mails we receive. In cases where a customer shares useful information and we would like to share it with other customers, we will do so only with the customer’s authorization and without directly identifying the customer.


At Clermont’s Ultimate Tool Supply Inc, we have taken every precaution to protect our users’ information. When users submit sensitive information via the Web site, their information is protected both online and off line.

When our registration/order form asks you to enter sensitive information, such as credit card number, that information is encrypted and is protected with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This Web protocol uses a private key to encrypt data that is transferred over a secure connection between our servers and your (client) machine. To learn more about SSL, visit

While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect customer-information off line. All of our customers’ information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted to employees who need the information for their specific duties.